© T. Britt Griswold Member since 2022

Alice Tangerini
"As a scientific illustrator, I had not thought about searching for the many ways my artwork may have been used in secondary markets. ASCRL has done the searching for me, and for other artists too, allowing us all to take part in the benefits of this aftermarket use. Their knowledge of connections and ability to gather artists in this organization has made this possible."

Theophilus Britt Griswold
"After many years of wondering if this would ever become a reality for US artists, it is finally happening! I was surprised at the ease of getting started with collecting foreign reproduction royalties through the ASCRL portal, and I have just received my first check. If you are a published artist, you owe it to yourself to look into this."

Doug Menuez
"ASCRL is a brilliant new non-profit organization that helps photographers and visual artists get paid for works being used overseas (for which they were not previously compensated). Bravo ASCRL, and thanks for stepping up to this challenge! It fills a gap for creators seeking more revenue and supports our existing copyright laws and licensing. Bravo ASCRL, and thanks for stepping up to this challenge! This ASCRL distribution model allowed me to feed my family and build a career. Bravo ASCRL, and thanks for stepping up to this challenge!"

James Hautman
"I'm excited to learn that ASCRL is looking out for artists' rights and income. We artists do not have the means, ability, knowledge, or resources to identify, apply for, and collect, the money we are rightly owed under foreign legal systems for reprographic funds. I am glad to have a professional organization like ASCRL, looking out for my interests there."

Ron Haviv
"For too long, photographers have lacked the ability to bond together to protect our rights. ASCRL is leading the charge to remind and challenge the market that photographers deserve to be compensated properly for their work. I thank ASCRL for looking after the community and trying to ensure that we all have the means to continue to succeed and create great work."

Taina Litwak
"I love the fact that ASCRL exists as a not-for-profit collective management organization for visual art authors and rights owners. The first ASCRL distribution royalty payment went right into my bank account as promised! I also love that the registration process on their website and is easy and free. The ASCRL dashboard is great for staying informed on the status of my claims too. The ASCRL publication volume tiers are designed to be a fair way to portion out the non-title specific money that ASCRL is collecting for US and foreign illustrators with works published in the US. Many thanks to the organization's founders who made this happen."

Michael Rothman
"I would like to fully endorse the efforts of the ASCRL to retrieve and disperse royalty payments to artists and illustrators for the secondary use of their work overseas. While I was initially skeptical of the process, and even the motives of the volunteers who established ASCRL as an organization, this skepticism has disappeared by me actually having received a royalty payment from the first distribution of funds secured from various overseas uses. ASCRL plans to further expand its operations to additional venues beyond Sweden and the Netherlands, seeking redress from other markets and geographic regions. As such, I suggest that those free-lance creators (who are not yet members), consider joining ASCRL. ASCRL's motives are indeed noble, and by joining the organization, individuals might increase the likelihood of getting paid for the secondary use of their artwork overseas, which is a part of an artist's lifeblood."

Lynette R. Cook
"Over the years, my scientific illustrations have been reproduced many times (and often without compensation). I quickly learned that it is impossible for me to track down and collect payment for all the uses of my work. ASCRL helps to make this situation more equitable by securing and distributing royalties to artists and photographers whose visual work has been published. Signing up and filing a claim with ASCRL is easy to do, and the funds appeared in my bank account exactly as expected. I am excited about this new revenue stream, as it will help me stay in business and remain solvent."

J.P. Schmelzer
"IFFRO (International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organizations) is a group of organizations that collect money in Europe, and in other countries, through taxation and fees for the secondary use of printed and other published materials used for educational and other purposes. This money is then distributed to publishers, artist organizations, and to individual artists. The USA has never had an organization that returned these funds to individual illustrators and artists until ASCRL became a recognized collection entity. Collecting and delivering this money has never been a simple endeavor but ASCRL, with the help of modern technology, is now able to secure agreements with various countries and deliver funds to artists and illustrators who retain the copyrights to their work. Now, as an illustrator, I have heard and seen many promises of reprographic monies going to illustrators and artists that amounted to nothing. I have heard of the money received by Canadian illustrators -- how wonderful it was -- but how US artists weren't getting similar funds. I can tell you that after I had filed a claim during the first distribution period, ASCRL paid me more than $400 that it had collected for the secondary use of my published illustrations. Go to the ASCRL website and follow the directions to register -- it's free, secure, and you will receive a share from the next distribution period (when you file a claim). Tell your friends about ASCRL because the more illustrators that sign up, the more agreements ASCRL can secure with collecting groups around the world and the bigger the distributions will be. Still not convinced? Contact me and I will give you a call -- jgschmelzerart.com"

Wild Wings
"The mission, as established by ASCRL, brings new energy to the administration of reprographic rights for Wild Wings and its artists as well as for other visual artists worldwide. Wild Wings applauds ASCRL's mission and welcomes its effort to have "eyes open" around the world to advance the reproduction rights and reprographic funds of the visual art community."