Bill Rosenblatt is president of GiantSteps Media Technology Strategies, a consulting firm. He is an adjunct professor in the Music Business Program at NYU, and he is program chair and co-producer of the annual Copyright and Technology conferences.
GiantSteps’ clients include content providers and digital media technology companies, ranging from early stage startups to multinationals, as well law and public policy entities and investment firms worldwide. Bill has served as an expert witness in several litigations related to copyright and digital media technologies. He has advised public policy entities on digital copyright and technology issues in the United States, Europe, and South Korea.
Before founding GiantSteps in 2000, Bill held technology management positions in the publishing industry as well as digital media market strategy and consulting roles in the computer industry, and he was CTO of an e-learning startup at Columbia University. He began his career as a software engineer in data communications at Motorola.
Bill is author of the book _Digital Rights Management: Business and Technolog_y (Wiley, 2001), technical books published by O’Reilly Media, and several whitepapers, book chapters and journal articles on digital media and copyright. He has spoken at conferences on five continents and has guest lectured at various universities and law schools.
Bill has degrees in computer science from Princeton and the University of Massachusetts, and continuing education in business and finance from NYU, Harvard, and USC. He is a member of the Book Industry Study Group, Music Business Association, Open Music Initiative, and the Copyright Society of the USA.